
Unicards - A Unicorn Card Game

Created by Amanda Cappa

A Card Game for Unicorn Lovers

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Surveys Surveys!
over 5 years ago – Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 06:30:49 PM

Good evening, backers!!

We are making progress, but I am still missing surveys from 80 people! Please fill these out so that I can get your rewards shipped to you. If you cannot find your survey, click the above link and input your email to get a new survey. My fulfillment center has requested this information by November 1st, so they can prepare your shipping labels. The games are expected to arrive by November 15, so they need your shipping information before then!

If you are super excited to get your game, here are some fun facts about the success of UniQuest! 

If you know of anyone who is interested in ordering UniQuest, they can do so here!

Thank you everyone :)


Surveys - Fulfillment - Shipment Update!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 05:04:19 PM

Good evening backers!

I am elated to inform you that production ran ahead of schedule. The games were expected to be finished by October 27, and would not be shipped until after I received production samples for approval. The original expected delivery date to the USA was December 1st, with fulfillment expected to take place within 3-5 business days.

I am happy to announce that I have already approved production samples, the games are done, and they are on their way to the USA already. They are expected to arrive on November 15, and should be fulfilled within 3-5 business days! You are getting your games early!!

With this exciting news comes important updates. I am sending out surveys within 24 hours (some of you may have already gotten your surveys!) Please please please fill these out ASAP. Because the production ran ahead of schedule, this means that I had less time to gather your information. My manufacturer is asking that I send them your addresses by November 1st so that we can ensure your fulfillment on time. I was advised to wait to send out surveys in case any of my backers move, but that means we just have a small window of time that I need to get your information. This is a good problem to have!!

If you are interested in getting more games for holiday shopping, there are add-ons as part of your survey. If you respond to the survey within the next week and include any add-ons, use the code FIRST-WEEK-UNICORN to get $4 off your purchase of add-ons.

If you know anyone who might be interested in UniQuest, but were unable to back my project, they may purchase UniQuest via my pre-order store until November 1st. They may use the same code FIRST-WEEK-UNICORN to get $4 off their total purchase. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested!

As always, continue to check our website, instagram, facebook page, and twitter account for updates!

Much love *(and please fill out your surveys)* 


UniQuest Status Update!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 05, 2018 at 12:49:28 PM

Hi Backers!

It's been exactly one month since my last update. I wanted to touch base with all of you to let you know how things have been going!

1. Everything is moving along as it should. Games are set to finish production on October 27th, if not sooner! I will receive a copy of the production samples at that time to confirm that everything is good. Once I give the green light, UniQuest will be shipped to the USA :)

2. UniQuest is set to arrive on December 1, which is right on schedule! I have been told that fulfillment will take approximately 3-5 business days, so you will be sure to have your games before the holidays (and right on schedule)! I plan to put UniQuest on Amazon around this late November/early December time frame so that anyone who might be interested in UniQuest as a holiday gift will be able to do so! (More updates with all of that information to come later)

3. Backerkit surveys will be sent out in early November (one month!), so anyone who moves will be guaranteed to receive their reward at the right location in December.

4. What have I been working on lately? Great question!:

  • Updating the name of my project on Kickstarter to "UniQuest - A Unicorn Card Game" and updating the Kickstarter page. I cannot change anything about the campaign, so everywhere that it says Unicards will actually be UniQuest. The website will better represent the game that you will be receiving!
  • I've been communicating with my manufacturer to ensure that the timeframe that I guaranteed to all of you will be met.
  • My graphic designer and I have been working to diligently get UniQuest's website updated and really clean.
  • Updating my business card files.
  • We added a tab at the bottom of the Expansion page on the website that offers "Alternative Gameplay Options"
  • Making a print and play version of the game.
  • Updating the Kickstarter Exclusive Card files for printing (soon!!)

All in all, everything is moving along exactly as it should. As always, thank you for your love and support of UniQuest and unicorns. Also, please spread the word that UniQuest will be available for the holidays!!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


Onto Production!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 12:15:24 PM

Good morning backers,

Things have been moving along very well for UniQuest.

  1. I received the tooling samples from my manufacturer, and they look amazing! Wait until you all see the updates we added. The brighter cards with the color-blind symbols look so great.

  2. I made a small handful of updates to the tooling samples before agreeing to go ahead with production.

  3. I just gave the green light to begin the production process. This generally takes about 60 days, so while production is taking place, here’s what I’ll be doing:

a. Tweaking the website and working with my graphic designer to get that up and running.

b. Working on the Print and Play version of the game.

c. Updating the files for the Kickstarter exclusive cards, and ordering them.

d. Checking the status of UniQuest in the manufacturing process.

e. And in about a month or two, I’ll be sending out a backer report. I haven’t done this yet because people move, and I was afraid to send your game to an old address. When we are closer to the fulfillment date (and we are right on schedule), I’ll get this information from you all!

In the meantime, if you do not hear from me for a bit, it’s because I’m busy working on other UniQuest projects!

Feel free to check out my website:

Please don’t hesitate to ask me any questions that you may have.

Thanks! Amanda

126% Funded with my Stretch Goal Reached!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 05:12:36 AM

I have no words for how excited I am right now. My 30 day Kickstarter campaign is officially complete, with $19,000 raised from a $15,000 goal!

The next few days will be very busy -- I will be contacting my manufacturer to finalize the details of my order. I will also be sending out a survey soon to all of my backers who ordered games! This will provide me your contact information, such as your mailing address, so I can your game(s) to you as soon as possible!

Thank you so much for your love and support during my campaign! I am so grateful to have each and every one of you on this journey with me. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store!

